The video made us want to know the lady he was singing about, so Tony attempted to find and contact her. He wasn't able to get to her but found her address, and turns out she lives in Fredricksberg, VA, and one of our gigs was in Fredricksberg! We saved the address and when the time came for that gig, we stopped by to see if she was home and we could meet her. I know this sounds crazy! But we knew we just needed to meet her and she would love us! Tony has a song about Johnny Paycheck, he's been a huge influence on Tony. She wasn't home, so Tony left her a note. Her niece, Savannah, ended up getting in touch with us, and over the next few months Tony and Savannah and Sharon corresponded and got to know each other a bit. When we were back in Fredricksberg this southern run, Sharon and Savannah came out to the show!!
We met Johnny Paychecks family!!! It was so amazing. Being around Sharon was like being around a Goddess. She lived a life so deep in the roots of country music. Beyond the fame and glory of it all though, she really did have this glimmer about her that was so genuine. She said to me, "you're doing it right! Travel while you're young! Enjoy it all!" She traveled with Johnny all through his years as a touring musician. She was so encouraging!